Explore an existing database

Public databases in DbShare can be explored without being logged in. This tutorial uses a public database at the SciLifeLab instance of DbShare.

The demo database contains the following:

  • A table of flower measurements for specimens of three species of Iris: iris_flower_measurements
  • A view selecting the measurements of one species from the table: iris-setosa
  • A table of some Dow Jones share index data: dow_jones_index A more complicated, real-world data set.

Inspect the iris data

  • Go to iris_flower_measurements. (Use ctrl-click or whatever method your browser has to bring up the table in a separate window or tab.)
  • There are four columns of numerical data for the dimensions of the flower parts in centimeters. The fifth column shows the species of Iris.
  • Inspect the schema for the table; click Schema. This shows the data type and constraints on the values in each column.
  • This dataset was uploaded from a CSV file, so the schema was inferred from it. The numerical column data is encoded as real (floating point) values, while the class column contains text values.
  • All columns are set as NOT NULL. This means that no rows may contain NULL values in any column. This is defined when the schema is created
  • Click Statistics. This will compute a number of simple statistics for the values of each column, such as:
    • mean, median and standard deviation for numerical columns,
    • whether there are any NULL values in a column,
    • the number of unique values in a column,
    • list the unique values, if there are less than 8 of them.

Query the iris data

  • Go back to the page for Database demo (in the menu at the top of the page).

  • Click Query. The page contains input fields for the usual parts of an ordinary SQL query statement beginning with SELECT.

  • To the right are panes with information on the columns of each table and view in the database, to aid formulating a query.

  • Fill in the fields to produce the SQL statement, and click Execute query:

    • SELECT sepal_width, sepal_length
    • FROM iris_flower_measurements
    • WHERE class='Iris-setosa' (NOTE: Sensitive to character case!)
    • LIMIT 200 (this is default)
  • The result page shows the complete SQL query at the top, with the number of selected rows, and then the row values below.

  • Click Edit query.

  • Try changing the query in different ways, adding or modifying parts to the SQL. If the SQL statement becomes invalid, an error message will be produced.

Explore the view

A view in SQL is a saved query that has been given a name, and which looks like a table. When it is accessed, it automatically recomputes the query and produces the result as if it were a table.

On the demo database page, there is a view iris-setosa defined. Check it out.

DbShare 2.7.10