URL endpoints

URL Methods Description
/ GET Home page; display the list of public databases.
/about/contact GET Display the contact information page.
/about/gdpr GET Display the personal data policy page.
/about/settings GET Display the configuration settings.
/about/software GET Display software in system with links and version info.
/api GET API root resource; links to other API resources.
/api/db/<name:dbname> DELETE, GET, POST, PUT GET: List the database tables, views and metadata. PUT: Create the database, load any input data (Sqlite3 file, XLSX file). POST: Edit the database metadata. DELETE: Delete the database.
/api/db/<name:dbname>/query POST Perform a query of the database; return rows.
/api/db/<name:dbname>/readonly POST POST: Set the database to read-only.
/api/db/<name:dbname>/readwrite POST POST: Set the database to read-write.
/api/dbs/all GET Return the list of all databases.
/api/dbs/owner/<name:username> GET Return the list of databases owned by the given user.
/api/dbs/public GET Return the list of public databases.
/api/table/<name:dbname>/<name:tablename> DELETE, GET, PUT GET: Return the SQL schema for the table in JSON format. PUT: Create the table from an SQL schema in JSON format. DELETE: Delete the table.
/api/table/<name:dbname>/<name:tablename>.csv GET Return the rows in CSV format.
/api/table/<name:dbname>/<name:tablename>.json GET Return the rows in JSON format.
/api/table/<name:dbname>/<name:tablename>/empty POST Empty the table; delete all rows.
/api/table/<name:dbname>/<name:tablename>/insert POST POST: Insert rows from JSON or CSV data into the table.
/api/table/<name:dbname>/<name:tablename>/statistics GET Return the SQL schema for the table with statistics for the columns.
/api/table/<name:dbname>/<name:tablename>/update POST POST: Update table rows from CSV data (JSON not implemented).
/api/user/<name:username> GET Return the API JSON user display.
/api/users/all GET Return the list of all user accounts.
/api/view/<name:dbname>/<name:viewname> DELETE, GET, PUT GET: Return the SQL schema for the view in JSON format. PUT: Create the view from an SQL schema in JSON format. DELETE: Delete the view.
/api/view/<name:dbname>/<name:viewname>.csv GET Return the rows in CSV format.
/api/view/<name:dbname>/<name:viewname>.json GET Return the rows in JSON format.
/data/<name:dbname>/<name:dataname> GET Redirect to display rows in the table or view.
/db/ GET, POST Create a database.
/db/<name:dbname>/analyze POST Run ANALYZE on the database.
/db/<name:dbname>/clone GET, POST Create a clone of the database.
/db/<name:dbname>/download GET Download the Sqlite3 database file.
/db/<name:dbname>/edit DELETE, GET, POST Edit the database metadata. Or delete the database.
/db/<name:dbname>/logs GET Display the logs for a database.
/db/<name:dbname>/owner GET, POST Change owner of the database.
/db/<name:dbname>/private POST Set the database to private access.
/db/<name:dbname>/public POST Set the database to public access.
/db/<name:dbname>/readonly POST Set the database to read-only mode. Compute content hashes.
/db/<name:dbname>/readwrite POST Set the database to read-write mode.
/db/<name:dbname>/upload GET, POST Create a table from the data in a CSV file.
/db/<name:dbname>/vacuum POST Run VACUUM on the database. Also reset the table caches.
/db/<nameext:dbname> GET List the database tables, views and metadata.
/dbs/all GET Display the list of all databases.
/dbs/lookup/<hashcode> GET Lookup and redirect to the database with the given hash.
/dbs/owner GET Display the list of databases owned by the given user.
/dbs/public GET Display the list of public databases.
/dbs/upload GET, POST Upload a database file: Sqlite3 or XLSX file.
/documentation/ GET Home documentation page in Markdown format.
/documentation/<page> GET Documentation page in Markdown format.
/documentation/endpoints GET Display all URL endpoints.
/query/<name:dbname> GET Define a query of the database.
/query/<name:dbname>/rows GET, POST Display results of a query to the database.
/query/<name:dbname>/table GET, POST Create a table containing the results of the query.
/site/static/<filename> GET Static file for the site.
/static/<path:filename> GET Static web page support files.
/status GET Return JSON for the current status and some counts for the database.
/table/<name:dbname> GET, POST Create a table with columns in the database.
/table/<name:dbname>/<name:tablename> GET Display the rows in the table.
/table/<name:dbname>/<name:tablename>/clone GET, POST Create a clone of the table.
/table/<name:dbname>/<name:tablename>/column GET, POST Add a column to the table.
/table/<name:dbname>/<name:tablename>/download GET Download the rows in the table to a file.
/table/<name:dbname>/<name:tablename>/download.csv GET Output a CSV file of the rows in the table.
/table/<name:dbname>/<name:tablename>/edit DELETE, GET, POST Edit the table metadata. Or delete the table.
/table/<name:dbname>/<name:tablename>/empty POST Empty the table; delete all rows.
/table/<name:dbname>/<name:tablename>/index GET, POST Create an index on the table in the database.
/table/<name:dbname>/<name:tablename>/index/<indexname> DELETE, POST Delete the index. 'tablename' is not needed, but included for consistency.
/table/<name:dbname>/<name:tablename>/insert GET Insert data from a file into the table.
/table/<name:dbname>/<name:tablename>/insert/csv POST Insert data from a CSV file into the table.
/table/<name:dbname>/<name:tablename>/row GET, POST Insert a row into the table.
/table/<name:dbname>/<name:tablename>/row/<int:rowid> DELETE, GET, POST Edit or delete a row into the table.
/table/<name:dbname>/<name:tablename>/schema GET Display the schema for a table.
/table/<name:dbname>/<name:tablename>/statistics GET Display statistics for the content of the table's columns.
/table/<name:dbname>/<name:tablename>/update GET Update the table with data from a file.
/table/<name:dbname>/<name:tablename>/update/csv POST Update the table with data from a CSV file.
/user/create GET, POST Create a new user account.
/user/disable/<name:username> POST Disable the given user account.
/user/display GET Display the given user.
/user/display/<name:username>/edit DELETE, GET, POST Edit the user. Or delete the user.
/user/display/<name:username>/logs GET Display the log records of the given user.
/user/enable/<name:username> POST Enable the given user account.
/user/login GET, POST Login to a user account. Set the session cookie.
/user/logout POST Logout from the user account.
/user/users GET Display list of all users.
/view/<name:dbname> GET, POST Create a view of the data in the database.
/view/<name:dbname>/<name:viewname> GET Display rows in the view.
/view/<name:dbname>/<name:viewname>/clone GET, POST Create a clone of the view.
/view/<name:dbname>/<name:viewname>/csv GET Output a CSV file of the rows in the view.
/view/<name:dbname>/<name:viewname>/download GET Download the rows in the view to a file.
/view/<name:dbname>/<name:viewname>/edit DELETE, GET, POST Edit the metadata of the view. Or delete the view.
/view/<name:dbname>/<name:viewname>/schema GET Display the schema for a view.

DbShare 2.7.10